Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hey. You. Seizures. Get off of My Cloud.

So, all of a sudden the seizures are back. Thursday she had two, both moderate and about 30 seconds. Then, on Friday, she had 3 (1 moderate, 1 strong, 1 mild). She seemed sleepy most of the day, which is a huge trigger for her. Since we have had this issue before and pulling back the melatonin helped (because it was too high), I decided to pull it back to 2mgs and see if that would help--under the theory that maybe she doesn't need it anymore. At 2:30am my theory was blown to bits. She was wide awake. I tested her urine, took her temp, verified her blood levels are good and did all the other once over medical checks and am unable to find a problem, so I'll just go into 'wait and see' over the next few days to see if the seizure pattern gets better or worse. If the seizures don't get milder, I'll call her neurologist.

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