Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Day at Home

We had a very quiet Thanksgiving this year. (Last year was spent in emergency rooms, so a tranquil holiday was welcomed). We made a few of our favorite homemade dishes, picked up a roasted chicken and pies from Costco and called it a day.  This was the first time Lily had a poochy Thanksgiving tummy after dinner. She ate quite a bit and even had a little piece of pie. Then she laid back on her dad and let her tummy stick out!!! It was quite funny! This was also her first year to have pumpkin pie...she ate some but I don't think she was that impressed--she's more of a chocolate and peanut butter kind of girl!! It was mostly enjoyable to take a few days break from therapies and doctors and just relax!

1 comment:

  1. That's my girl Lily! Hope you ate enough for Brooklyn because all she wanted was marshmallows! :/ Love you!
