Friday, June 15, 2012

2nd MRI After Starting Afinitor

Lily had her second MRI after starting the Afinitor today, and we're hopeful that the tumors are shrinking! I suspect we'll have results in the next week. The MRI went well; in fact, the team at Swedish Hospital is fantastic! However, she couldn't get to sleep last night, and we had to get up at 3:30am for the early MRI. So by the time we got to Seattle, she was so tired (and couldn't fall asleep) that she went into seizure clusters. She had 5 seizures in 20 minutes...they were short (15-45 seconds), but starting to increase in strength. However, after that she fell asleep and the seizures stopped. Whew! Otherwise, the MRI was smooth sailing. I'll post results as soon as I have them. We'll have another MRI in three months, and we'll see Dr. Sotero in August to discuss in depth how the MRI looks.

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