Wednesday, June 27, 2012

9 Times A Day

Lily still has a cold, poor little thing. She can't take any cold medicine either, but thank goodness it's just a stuffy nose and not fever and cough. It's amazing how just adding a cold to the mix of what we have to do on a daily basis can put us so far behind. I honestly don't know how I would be coping if Angela didn't come here to help me, and Alicia didn't listen to all of my vents...pretty lucky to have you girls!! Also giving meds three times a day just feels like so much more than 2. I've had to set the alarm on my phone so that I'll remember the afternoon medicine, but then I'll be out and realize that I didn't bring it with me. I keep a backup in the car, so I'm always able to give it to her, but walking 30 minutes back to the car is sometimes a pain. Plus it must taste so terrible based on the faces she makes and it's 3 bites, 3 times a 9 times a day she has to put something nasty in her mouth. (Along with all of her other medicines). No fair. Then, she'll be hungry, but too scared to take a bite. This sends her into a fussy tizzy. I can't say I blame her. Also having a cold can make meds so difficult. She so stuffed up that it's hard for her to chew and she's been less hungry, so meds have sometimes been taking an hour to an hour 1/2. Also she's drinking less...because she can't breathe through her nose while drinking, so she'll just get frustrated and throw the cup. Again, can't blame her. :) But drinking less for her can lead to kidney stones, so I feel like an overworked water pusher. haha!  I want this cold to take the next nearest exit out of here!!! In fact, I'd be more than happy to take it from her if I could. This makes me smile because it's something my grandma always said to me..."If I could take that stomach bug from you, I'd be happy to do it." And if I could eat that nasty pill nine times a day for you Lily, I'd be happy to do it.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a loving and compassionate mother! Lily is so blessed.
