Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

We have had a very good few weeks. Lily has gotten over her ear infection and yeast infection and is only having a few seizures a week (still unbelievable to me)! She's been having some tummy trouble lately, if this doesn't remedy pretty soon, we'll take her to the doctor. She, just in the last 2 days, is again feeding herself each meal! YAY!! We gain and lose skills and it's always good to get one back! Plus feeding her is very time consuming so it leaves me with more time and energy to do other therapies with her. Things we've been working on--1. feeding herself again (achieved, woo hoo). 2. playing in a tall kneel. 3. putting weight through her hands while on all fours. 4. using the ipad and sign language to communicate. 5. Imitation  6. (this is the best one) Horseback riding to gain core strength and balance.

We always have other things we're working on but these are the main focus right now. Our lives have also been so much better with Lily's seizures down and we have asked Kayla (our nanny) to do more hours which allows more time for me to exercise, run errands, clean, and get some mommy time.

More than anything we're doing, the horseback riding is helping Lily to become so much stronger. Watching her do it brings tears to my eyes, not only because she loves it and is doing an amazing job on the horse, but because of all my family has done to help! My mom, Kim, and Don have all donated money to sponsor rides for Lily, which has meant that we were able to get so many rides, plus her wheelchair and even be able to continue riding this summer!! Lily is going walk someday, and she has so many people cheering and helping her get there!!! I have a wonderful family and am so thankful for all of their help!!! We were just checking last months medical budget and we spend $2000 a month, minimum, on medical, and that does not include any unexpected medical bills, bills on the back burner, equipment, or unexpected testing and labs, so having help to get Lily more therapy makes me so happy and humbled!!!  Thank you to my wonderful family!!!

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