Lily really had a great day today! Her teacher Mrs. Sharon (we adore her) shared that Lily was doing great with using the iPad to communicate. Lily knows at least the first 6 letters of the alphabet, her numbers 1 - 5 and about 6 colors...she sometimes knows a bit beyond this, but not with the same amount of consistency. Today is day 2 without a seizure, and I so appreciate a reprieve from them. We know that the breaks are short-lived, but we have such appreciation for Lily getting a chance to have a day without them! Tomorrow Lily has an ENT appointment; it's just a follow-up after the tubes. Also, I mailed all of the Team Lily shirts today....thank you to all of you who support us and are our amazing village...we couldn't do it without you!
yay for seizure free days! Lily, great job you smarty pants! I am SO very proud of you!!! Please post an update from the ENT appt today :) Oh how I love these frequent updates! High kick for Heather! ;)