Friday, August 3, 2012

Urology and Pediatrician

On Thursday we went to Seattle Children's for Lily's Urology appointment because she has had about 4 UTIs since the ureteral reimplantation surgery. Her doctor put her on a prophylactic antibiotic for the next year to try and curb the constant infections, which I think is a great idea. Since it's not just the seizures and tumors that interrupt her quality of life, it's the constant infections, be it ears, UTIs, etc....she's sick so much of the time. I really hope that this helps her stay well. Also, today we went to the pediatricians office because Lily has been running a fever for the past week and has just developed a cough. It was pretty obviously a virus, but I just wanted to make sure that nothing had progressed into her lungs since she can be more susceptible to infection on the Afinitor. All checked out well, so I'll just keep her on her regiment of Advil to keep the fever down. The virus is definitely increasing seizures, but not having to use Diastat or any other rescue, save one time. Hopefully the virus will pass soon...I have it now too, so it's easier to just cuddle together and wait for it to pass. What do you say Lily, wanna curl up in the chair together and watch Tangled for the 10th time? Yeah, me too.

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