Virusland: Lily still has this darn cold. Yesterday seizures were coo coo...about 7 or 8 with one of them lasting one minute, so I gave ativan. It's been a bit challenging taking care of her on my own for so long (almost 2 weeks), but we've managed. I think every dish I own is dirty, and I'm digging for clothes out of the dryer, but I would rather comfort and distract her than have a spit spot house. However, Angela is coming today, and I look forward to bringing a little bit of order back!
Wheels: On Lily's wheelchair, they want $1200 up front just to order it, and we could owe more than that. I'm not sure how we'll be able to do it with our current medical expenses. We're trying to look into some programs for assistance and even considering some fundraising ideas. We'll get it--I'm just now sure how yet.
Therapy: After some research, I've chosen to start Lily on Imitation Therapy. We already do it with her on a small scale; however, we will start dedicating 15-20 minutes a day on this form of therapy. In order to speak or do many other things, you need to imitate. Lily will stick her tongue back out at us, but it takes a long time for her to do it. Anyway, we learn from watching each other. I mean, that's how I learned how to do the Hammer Time dance, and I'm fairly sure that I look just like MC Hammer when I do it. But I digress, the therapy goes like this: calm environment without distractions, we have two of the same toy (one for me and one for her), I do everything she does for 15 minutes. This is said to increase imitation. It's a relaxed scenario and should be really fun so that it feels like a game and not therapy.
MRI: We have an MRI on Friday to see where we are with the tumors. Really hoping for a reduction this time!!
That's it for now, I must get my cleaning mojo on!!
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