Friday, January 18, 2013

Target Pharmacy

So I accidentally forgot to put Lily's antibiotic, for her ear infection, back in the fridge--and I didn't realize it until it had been out for the whole day. So, my husband called Target to find out if this particular antibiotic would be useable. They said it was not good anymore, and they would refill it, so he could just come and get it. He told them he was in Canada and I was with a very sick kiddo, but we would get up there so that she didn't miss a dose. But no, our sweet and awesome pharmacist didn't want me to have to load her up when she wasn't feeling well, so she brought it to me. I kid you not. When she got off work at 7pm, she took time out of her evening to bring Lily her antibiotic. Now that's amazing service!!! Oh, we will be spoiling her!!! Oh yes, she will be getting a very lovely surprise!!!

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